Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Tree Pictures

Kole is hanging on to Kelsi's hair in this one, gotta love trying to take pictures of children when they are mobile!
Can't wait for Santa, we have been counting down by using the number of sleeps until he gets here!

Kelsi loves Kole-sometimes too much!

Thanksgiving Weekend 2010

Dogpiling on daddy!
Kelsi Kelsi, Genevieve and Ella writing letters to Santa!
The 3 girls at the park

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Warm weekend (75 degrees)

Kelsi on the tire swing at "Daddy's Park"
Kelsi is way to big for the baby swing, but she insisted on swinging next to her brother.
Kole loves his grandma!

Doug took Kelsi "hunting"~when I asked Doug if she was quite he said yah quiet as a freight train! That's our Kelsi!

Kelsi as Snow White~Kole as a Monkey!

Tuckered out!
See 2 more fake smiles...

Great-Grandma Aldora, Kelsi, Kole, Nancy, Gage and Taryn

My favorite season...Fall!

Kelsi is into this fake smile thing, then when you tell her to smile good she says I am!

Halloween Party at Daycare

Kelsi's cowboy friend, Brodi
Kelsi and all her friends. She is far right as Snow White with her mouth wide open!
Kole with his pumpkin. T-shirt from grandma that said Baby's 1st BOO!

Kole is 9 months!

Practicing to walk with his "mailbox" as Kelsi calls it. I think it must help to open his mouth!

Swinging at Horace Mann Park-look at that smile! We don't see it too much...
End of October and still at the park with no coat on...

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Kole 9 months
Gage 4 months
Kelsi in the spider hat she made at preschool

Kole helping daddy

Bear Country Fall Festival

Kelsi and Mommy
Kelsi and Daddy
First time mommy let her get her face painted...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Shriner's Hat

We took Kole to see the a Shriner Doc that came to town from Minneapolis to double check his hips were OK. They were very kind, gave him his own Shriner hat and the best news of all is he is just fine! That was a ton of relief since he pediatrician dropped the "his hips are tight and that may mean he has cerebral palsy" bomb on us at his 6 month well child. We have worried for 3 months for nothing. Wonderful docs we have right?

Random October shots

Kole saying hi to Ciara and Kiah outside!
Kole eating his first biter biscuit

Kelsi got to sleep in my bed with me for a few weeks while we "taught" Kole to cry it out at night. They share a room and I didn't want Kole to keep Kelsi up. So each night I went to bed to read my PEOPLE magazine she would ask for hers to read too!
Loves to crawl outside and eat leaves!

Daddy reading after bath