Friday, March 19, 2010

Great-Grandma's 87th Birthday Party!

Cousin Taryn and Kelsi helping Great-Grandma read her card!
Helping blow out the candles!

Picture Perfect! Kelsi and her Great-Grandpa Rodger!

Kelsi and Kole's Great-Grandparents Aldora and Rodger

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Doesn't Kole look happy!
Big sister Kelsi, Kole, cousin Taryn

Loving Kole!
Aren't these 2 kids the cutest!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

More Birthday...

Kelsi's 3rd Birthday

Kelsi turned 3 on February 26th. Since it was a Friday we took her out to eat at McDonalds and she got to go to the movie store and pick out a movie to rent. Saturday we had her party and we went ice skating. This is her 2nd time ice skating and she really is getting more comfortable on skates! We had a really good time. Then we went to Godfathers for pizza, presents and cake! Everyone had a really good time and Kelsi was a TIRED girl by the end of the party!
Daddy, Kelsi, Nanny (Doug's mom), and Lyndee (my cousin)
Daddy, Kelsi and Mommy
Yes we all 3 have on ice skates! :)

Practicing with daddyYah, I'm 3! Posing with her Tinkerbell birthday ribbon she wore all day.
Her birthday breakfast a donut with a candle to blow out!

Kelsi and Kole

Kole is actually sleeping and Kelsi is trying really hard to look like she is sleeping! They were "cuddling" Kelsi told me!
Look how strong he is at 4 weeks old!
Cheese! They don't look alike at all do they???
Big Sister and Little Brother t-shirts!