Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My mom's surprise 60th birthday party!

Siblings: Carol, mom and Steve
Renee, Asher and mom
Carol and Asher
We decided to have a surprise birthday party for mom this year! Her birthday is on October 7th so we decided to have the party the weekend before so she wouldn't suspect anything. Andy and Erin told her they were coming the weekend after her birthday to celebrate. Little did she know what we were planning. Andy, Erin and the kids came Friday night and stayed at our house. We had them park their van behind our neighbor's garage so in case mom came over she wouldn't see their van. Saturday we got up and started getting ready for the big party. I had to call mom and tell her that Kelsi and Doug were sick with the flu (lie)so she shouldn't come over (she stops by frequently) since we were worried she would come over and the surprise would be ruined. She told me she would still come over and borrow my carpet scrubber so I could just leave it out front. I told her it was broke and I would bring it to her when Doug fixes it. (lie) So around party time I called her and said I was now sick and if she could come and get Kole. Of course she agreed and when she pulled up I met her outside and opened up the garage and SURPRISE! There was all of her immediate family waiting for her arrival! She was very shocked! She ended up having to run home since she left something cooking in the oven (go figure!). We had a nice night with good food and great family. Andy had made a video of her first 60 years so we all squished in my living room to watch it. It turned out amazing (thanks Andy). Oh yah, I had to go to her house without her knowing and go through about 20 of her photo albums to get pictures for the video. After she kept wondering why I wanted to know what she was doing every night after school. Hope you enjoyed your birthday, mom! We love you!

Lyndee and Kole
Mom with her cake and the granddaughters patiently waiting!

Andy decided we needed to put 60 candles on her cake! Glad we were in my garage!

Birthday Girl!
Mom with her 5 grandchildren. Not the best picture, but you get what you get with 5 kids under the age of 5!

Mom with her 2 kids who are very lucky to have such a great mom! Love ya mom!

Kelsi-3 1/2
Dress up time

Mom trying not to cry!
Renee with Kole and Lyndee in the background

Ella and Genevieve at the Pumpkin Festival downtown. Kelsi didn't want to ride the train with the girls.

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